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#1 2009-08-21 06:24:34

New member

reporting the IE version

Wow, this is a great product!

I'd like to request a feature - that the version of each IE can be reported, just like going to the IE menu and choosing "Help > About Internet Explorer" and seeing the full version info.

Also is it possible to update or change each IE version?

Meanwhile the version checker page you provide gives a pretty good indicator anyway.




#2 2009-08-21 08:21:44

DebugBar Support

Re: reporting the IE version

I'd like to request a feature - that the version of each IE can be reported, just like going to the IE menu and choosing "Help > About Internet Explorer" and seeing the full version info.

Why not but what is the real interest of this ? Rendering engine is not changing between changes of minor versions?

Also is it possible to update or change each IE version?

It's not possible.



#3 2009-08-26 05:43:58

New member

Re: reporting the IE version

fabrice wrote:

I'd like to request a feature - that the version of each IE can be reported, just like going to the IE menu and choosing "Help > About Internet Explorer" and seeing the full version info.

Why not but what is the real interest of this ? Rendering engine is not changing between changes of minor versions?

I'd like to know exactly which version I am testing against, for example IE8 had multiple beta versions and release candidates... I dunno, does it matter?



#4 2009-08-26 06:55:09


Re: reporting the IE version

Look at the version of *shtml.dll at C:\Program Files\Core Services\IETester
5shtml.dll, 6shtml.dll, 7shtml.dll, 8shtml.dll (for each IE version)
