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Forums are now closed as we moved them to google groups. You can use the following Google Groups to discuss about DebugBar and IETester products:

#1 2010-04-22 09:14:15

New member

Bug report: Process "IETester" still running after program exit/crash


Firstly thanks for the great work, it's good to see a product as good as this being offered by a small dev team smile.

Just a quick bug report:

NOTE: This only occurs after having the program open for more than a couple of minutes...

When using an ie6 (sometimes ie7 too) tab, the program will crash after a period of time (random), even on simple, static html pages. After a program crash and the windows error report dialogue, task manager still shows the process "IETester" as running.

Also, when I manually exit the program after sustained use, the process is left running.

- Win XP 32 + all updates (sp3 etc). IE8 installed, no other instances of IE.

Ending the process and restarting the application isn't too much hassle so I'm not overly concerned, just thought you might find the information useful.

Again, thanks for the great work, keep it up!

Do email me if you need any more details.



#2 2010-04-22 10:00:22

DebugBar Support

Re: Bug report: Process "IETester" still running after program exit/crash


Thanks for reporting this. IETester is a multiprocess application, so I might need more detailed explanation about what happens.

On multiprocess mode, when a tab is crashing, the main window is not crashing. So if you look at Task Manager, you will still see a "IETester.exe" process.

Is the main window crashing for you as well ?



#3 2010-04-22 10:58:25

New member

Re: Bug report: Process "IETester" still running after program exit/crash


Forgot to mention I'm using the latest version (0.4.3), but this behaviour was also apparent in the previous version.

I have just let IEtester run until it crashed (IEtester home page), in this case the IE7 tab crashed, resulting in a windows error report dialogue, but the main application window is fine, suggesting that I re-open the crashed tab. IE7 seems to be the most problematic tab, possibly causing some of the other less consistent problems I have had?

I know it's not very helpful but sometimes the main application window will crash as well, but mostly just one of the tabs.

I have had tabs crash before when running complicated javascript, which is fair enough; its the rendering engines that I test, not the javascript engines.The reason I thought I should report this bug is that when left running for some time (crashed twice since my previous post) one of the processes will crash, even just on the the IETester home page.

I know pushing an app to the limit and causing a crash is one thing, but a crash when performing "basic" tasks like just loading the IETester/google home page and leaving it for a few minutes does suggest something worth fixing, certainly if you are aware of other people having the same issue.

Again, thanks for the great work, I will be sure to make a donation when I get at home! I will be happy to provide you with any further info you may need - I can't stand it when all a user says it "it's broke!" and doesn't provide any useful information.

Rade smile



#4 2010-04-22 11:32:26

DebugBar Support

Re: Bug report: Process "IETester" still running after program exit/crash

Tab crash is normal : IETester is an ALPHA version.

IE dlls are not designed to run side by side, and I'm doing a lot of tricks, trying to make it work. It's not like a standard app. On a standard app, when there is a bug, there is a reason, the developer is correcting the problem and that's it.

For IETester, the bug is on code I don't have (IE dlls), and there are a lot of dependencies that should make the dlls crash by default. Then I try to hook all those problems, so it's not crashing, but it's not always working because I cannot hook the entire system.

So it's not so easy to correct bugs. It' not like launching a debugger and debugging code...



#5 2010-04-22 12:18:30

New member

Re: Bug report: Process "IETester" still running after program exit/crash

Yeah I understand you have to battle with MS dlls, I don't envy you there!

As I said it's not mission critical, I can just re-open the tab/application.

Thanks for keeping active on the forums and your continued development.




#6 2010-04-22 12:29:43

New member

Re: Bug report: Process "IETester" still running after program exit/crash

Final note: (just in case it proves useful)

Been using IE6 and IE7 tabs for the last half hour, closed the application window when the tabs were open, checked task manager 5 mins later for an unrelated reason and noticed I still had 2 "IETester.exe" processes running - presumably left over from the IE6 and IE7 tabs, 5 minutes later ONE of them crashes to a windows error dialogue, leaving the other process still running.

Normally when I exit the program all processes are killed, but not always, and definitely not in this case.

Obviously this is transparent to most users but thought I'd mention it.

Sorry if I seem to pester; I just want to provide you with useful information. (Don't worry, I'll stop now ;p)

Generally though, a great release smile looking forward to trying out IE9.

Thanks again,




#7 2010-04-27 06:58:19

DebugBar Support

Re: Bug report: Process "IETester" still running after program exit/crash

Here, that's a bug on my side :-O. I'll try to improve the multi-process management in future releases.
