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#1 2009-04-01 09:20:10

New member

Cufón is not working on IE7 and IE6 on IETester

I have installed IE8 on my computer. When I visit a page with Cufón scripts (for example: from IETester, on a IE8 tabs works, but not on an IE7 or IE6 tab.

But on my laptop I have IE6 installed, and that page works perfectly on IE6.

Is this a bug? Is because I installed IE8 on the computer?



#2 2009-04-02 11:37:44

DebugBar Support

Re: Cufón is not working on IE7 and IE6 on IETester

Please, try to be precise. What do you mean by "it does not work". Javascript not executed ? css rules not applied ? IETester crashing ? image not visible ?

Also what is your OS version ?

I tested, and it looks like the problem is the font right ? So the page is working but the font is not correctly rendered. Is that right ?

What is Cufon script ?



#3 2009-04-13 08:29:12

New member

Re: Cufón is not working on IE7 and IE6 on IETester

Cufón is a Javascript Text Replacement Script, you can see an example here: The text is not been replaced.

My OS is XP, and I installed IE8 on the computer.

Let me know if you need more informaton. Thanks!



#4 2009-04-13 08:35:32

DebugBar Support

Re: Cufón is not working on IE7 and IE6 on IETester


Can you describe what is the problem you encounter ?



#5 2009-04-22 08:15:41

New member

Re: Cufón is not working on IE7 and IE6 on IETester

Hi again.

This is a text replacement script. The problem was that from my IETester installation, the fonts were not been replaced on a IE7 or IE6 tab. But it was working on a IE8 tab from IETester. IE8 is the version of Internet Explorer installed on my computer.
