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#1 2011-05-10 22:23:41

New member

IE 6, filter:progid: not working at all?

I found messages about problems with PNG and opacity but with example below, seems filters does not work at all?

"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=4,  Direction=135, Color='#00A0A0')"

I see shadows in IE7,IE8 on IETester, but no shadows with IE6 on IETester
I tested it on Windows XP with IE6 and shadows works fine

I'm not sure if it a jQuery/JavaScript problems or IETester

I have Vista with latest updates, IE9 installed

Last edited by alukin (2011-05-10 22:26:20)



#2 2011-06-20 23:40:18

New member

Re: IE 6, filter:progid: not working at all?

I also have this problem: no CSS filters are working in IE6:
* I've tried both user and admin mode
* They do work in IE7,8&9
* tried Glow and gradient
* checked with a real world IE 6 installation and they work there

I run Vista 64 bit professional.  IE 9 installed.  Latest IE tester 0.4.10

Last edited by anthonygerrard (2011-06-20 23:43:14)



#3 2011-06-21 16:41:40

DebugBar Support

Re: IE 6, filter:progid: not working at all?

Yes, I can confirm this is a problem. I will work on this this summer, and maybe I'll find a workaround.



#4 2011-09-01 10:07:04

New member

Re: IE 6, filter:progid: not working at all?

Another confirmed test case: on W7 64-bit IE9 installed, with IETester in admin mode, filters do not work in IE6, but fine in IE7. Filters are increasingly used in IE6 now as workarounds for PNG alpha, CSS gradients, drop shadows etc - so it's key functionality.

Thanks for a great tool nonetheless Fabrice!  Ben



#5 2011-09-27 15:05:35

New member

Re: IE 6, filter:progid: not working at all?

psdie wrote:

Another confirmed test case: on W7 64-bit IE9 installed, with IETester in admin mode, filters do not work in IE6, but fine in IE7. Filters are increasingly used in IE6 now as workarounds for PNG alpha, CSS gradients, drop shadows etc - so it's key functionality.

Same here.

Uninstall IE 9 and it will fix the problem.

Last edited by ph55 (2011-09-27 19:06:39)



#6 2012-07-18 09:00:44

New member

Re: IE 6, filter:progid: not working at all?

fabrice wrote:

Yes, I can confirm this is a problem. I will work on this this summer, and maybe I'll find a workaround.
